The Georgetown Library Peabody Room
George Peabody, born in 1795, grew up poor in Massachusetts, but worked hard in his youth in both DC and Baltimore, first in dry goods and then banking. He eventually settled in the UK, then the center of international finance, where he thrived, becoming a successful financier and philanthropist and is now widely accepted as the father of modern philanthropy. Among other generous gifts in both the US and England, in 1867 he donated funds to the city of Washington, DC for the establishment of a public library in Georgetown. While initially housed in the Curtis School on O Street, a new, more spacious library was built in 1935 at its current location on R Street. The Peabody Room on the top floor was established to honor his gift, and is now dedicated to maintaining the archives of historic and modern Georgetown. In early 2015, I was asked to make a portrait bust of George Peabody for display in the Peabody Room. It was formally unveiled on May 23, 2015.